OJT|Digital Portfolio
Dawson Bryce Sanchez
Company Profile Department Weekly Activities Trainee Concerns Overall Comments Apendix





II. The Cebu Institute of Technology – University (CIT-University, or less often
CIT-U,and colloquially CIT) is a private non-sectarian academic institution in Cebu City, Philippines.The university provides basic and higher education with a foundation in general and technological education. The university was known simply as Cebu Institute of Technology until 2010 when it has attained university status.

CIT-U is the first higher educational institution (HEI) in the Visayas and Mindanao classified as Category A. This places CIT-U as a mature teaching institution under the CHED-IQuAME framework. IQuAME is the Institutional Quality Assurance through Monitoring and Evaluation, a system of higher education quality assurance and classification.

CIT-U is one of only nine schools in the Philippines to be awarded by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as a Center of Excellence in Information Technology Education.


The WILDCAT Innovation Labs is a Technology Business Incubator (TBI) of CIT –
University which aims to (a) promote technopreneurship in a conductive environment where innovative ideas and solutions can flourish and (b) promote innovation in research and business through industry-academe partnership.

Its thrusts include artificial intelligence, data analytics, machine learning, internet of things, mechatronics, and food innovation, among others. With facilities such as Food Innovation Center, Makerspace, and specialized engineering laboratories, we can provide quality mentoring support, trainings, workshops, and other incubation support services for both academe and the industry.


02.14-18.22 Wildcat Innovation Labs – Orientation.
02.21-23.22 Watch/Study and Perform Refresher Course for Vue.js and Django.
Presentation of Mini Projects.
02.28.22-03.04.22 CLOCS and ISKO Overview and Turn-over.
Study Old Documents and Video of ISKO.
03.07-11.22 General Meeting.
CLOCS and ISKO Turn-over Session.
ISKO Implementation.
03.14-18.22 General Meeting.
Study of Vue.js.
Study of MongoDB.
03.21-25.22 General Meeting.
ISKO Huddle Meeting.
MongoDB Research.
03.28.22-04.01.22 Research About Signup/Login of Django Rest Framework.
Create Custom Django User Model.
Develop ISKO Signup Functionality
04.04-08.22 Develop ISKO Login Functionality.
Integrate Logout Functionality the frontend.
Delete Token upon logging out.
04.11-15.22 Develop Change Password Functionality.
Change HTML Elements to Vuetify Elements.
The Login/Signup page should be screen responsive.
04.18-22.22 Fix Login Functionality Bugs.
Develop Login/Signup screen responsiveness.
04.25-29.22 Change Appearance of Forgot Password text on Login page.
Signup Page Screen Responsive.
General Meeting.
05.02-06.22 Forgot Password Page Screen Responsive.
Home Page Screen Responsive.
Make a static IP to be added on the CLOCS Server.
05.09-13.22 Make Invalid Alert screen Responsive.
Home Page Screen Responsive.
Shop Page Screen Responsive.
05.16-20.22 Account Activation Page Screen Responsive.
Home Page New/Returning User Page Screen Reponsive.
My Account Page Screen Responsive.
05.23-27.22 Implement Topup Request Functionality.
Generel Meeting.


a. Things Learned During the OJT

Working with other people I didn't have close friends with me on Team ISKO. This was the first time I was on a team with Ann Janeth and John Paul. It was a challenge for me to be comfortable working with them. After months of working with them, I can say that they were good people and good friends. They were fun to work with and so understanding, I am grateful that I got to work with them.
Share my own ideas I shared ideas better this time with my teammates and my employers. Back then, I am anxious to share some of my thoughts with other people because I might be wrong. But with the help of my teammates, I was able to communicate my ideas to them because they were open to ideas being shared.
Improved my Task Management Skills We were assigned to have Clickup accounts for each team for task management. I was the scribe for our team. This role helped me manage my tasks and ours as a team too. By recording notes every meeting, I became aware of almost everything that is talked about. This task helped me improve my communication skills by listening.
Improved Backend Skills Being one of the backend developers of our team, I learned a lot more about the backend side of coding. I was able to do and learn more about Django and databases. I was able to make models, API, and serializers now when back then, I didn't quite understand any of it. I also contributed to developing our login and signup functionality which involved using Djoser and authentication tokens.
Improved Frontend Skills Even though my role is only a backend developer of our team, I volunteered to work on our frontend side. I worked on the screen responsiveness of each page created. It gave me the experience of developing using Vue.js, Vuetify, and media queries.


I am grateful to be a part of the developing team at CIT-U Wildcat Innovation
Labs. The learnings and friends that I made were a very great experience for me. Even though I was not close with my teammates at first and instead of being on the frontend side I was given the role as a backend developer . I took the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone. My team and employers helped me accomplish my tasks well and be a better developer and a worker.

All of these experiences I will surely keep and hope to improve on later down the road.


The total number of hours rendered during the internship:


a. TBI Meetings

b. Virtual Meetings

c. ISKO Meetings